Welcome to Tech Atypically👋. I’m an ADHD Coach, product manager, and former neuroscience researcher. I write a weekly blog about ADHD, product management, and a neurodiverse life. Each issue includes science, stories, or strategies for regulating your ADHD.
Self-Care: Balancing Life, Work, and Side Hustles
Series Intro - Self-Care: Balancing Life, Work, and Side Hustles
Exercising your muscles to ask your body what it needs when you have ADHD
Mastering Prioritization: Data Strategies for Work-Life Balance and Self-Care in Tech and ADHD
How to use Invitations to Create the Space for ADHD Self-Care
Redefining What Consistency Means to Practice Better Self-Care
Overfunctioning in Relationships: The Hidden Costs of Doing Too Much
How Spiderman helps me have the courage to move on more and quit less
When Life Gives You More Time: Learning to Accept Unexpected Gifts
Performance and Productivity in the Jungle Called Workplace
Being Seen and Heard: ADHD-Friendly Tactics for Product Managers
ADHD and Feedback: Navigating Rejection Sensitivity in the Workplace
Navigating Manager Meetings with ADHD: Active Listening & Speaking Skills
Navigating Unpredictability in the Workplace with ADHD: A Practical Guide to Managing Ambiguity
How to cultivate the courage to pursue a promotion when you have ADHD
Coping with Loss at Work: Navigating Grief with ADHD for Improved Mental Health and Job Performance
Successfully Navigating a Performance Improvement Plan with ADHD: Tips for Beating the Plan
Understanding and Improving Productivity as a Product Manager with ADHD
From Procrastination to Progress: A Strategy for PMs with ADHD to Conquer Large Tasks
Dyslexia - Understanding the Impact of Learning Disabilities on Product Managers with ADHD
Dyscalculia - Understanding the Impact of Learning Disabilities on Product Managers with ADHD
A more neuro-inclusive way to negotiate your next role and salary
Building Self-Trust: How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Improve Workplace Performance
The Productivity and Performance Toolkit (End of series collection of strategies)
Recovering from ADHD Burnout in Big Tech
The Hard Lesson of Learning When Changing Jobs Isn’t the Answer (end of series)
The Book of ADHD Product Management
A series on the basics of ADHD and product management at home and in the workplace.
How to Face and Quiet Your Inner Critic
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome and confronting the cages we build for ourselves
Imposter Syndrome and the limitless meaning of being a product manager
The Product Manager Interview and Executive Function
Overcoming interview and case interview anxiety though understanding executive functioning.